February 2012
The new website made its debut before the month was over.
January 2012
Hi Everyone,
I first want to thank so many of you for stepping up in our time of great need. We are eternally grateful as we go through this intense conversion. We are in the midst of restructuring the ministry at Ridge View that will bring great healing to the students but the way we approach the mission. We will be doing the same services but more streamline and less contact with the system. I can assure that these changes are going to be very helpful in our expansion and the number of kids that we reach. I am meeting with dozens of churches and ministries to bring in more support and vibrant volunteers. We have a plethora of mature volunteers and we are reaching out to new young people to bring fresh fire and music to our Sunday services and Bible Studies.
For you that do not know we are birthing Martyrstone Productions that will have several branches for reaching all of this generation (Generation Why). The first branch will be publishing written material. I am finishing my second book called “The Daze of Noah” and we will be publishing right behind my first book, “The Valley of Decision”. Both of these books are based on where we are in relevance to Biblical prophecy and this present generation. We are also coming online with a new website that will give all of the information on our moving forward. It’s hard to hit a moving target.
Secondly, we are birthing Martyrstone Films that will start with relevant educational short films on gangs, Fatherhood and family development, drugs, sexual issues and a number of topics that are paralyzing this generation. We are also going to be doing short Christian youth films that are edgy and relevant to the struggles of this generation. We also have built a digital recording studio to produce music for film and help young struggling Christian teens get to release their music. We will also help churches to get their audio/visual on film.
Lastly, we are beginning to raise support for a youth center that will heal spirit, soul and body. We have longed to create a center for at-risk youth that are suffering from multiple deficits in their lives. Gangs, drugs and a myriad of things have replaced family, faith and community as the deep foundations in their lives. This facility will help rebuild those foundations and equip teens with positive alternatives and hope. This dream center would create hidden talents and help build character and purpose in a generation that has lost hope and identity. Ezekiel’s Wheel will be a collage of youth ministries and organizations working together under one roof to restore and stabilize hurting kids.
Thank you again so much for your prayers and support. We need you more now than ever before to move toward the sound of battle.
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