P.O. BOX 4475    PARKER, COLORADO   80134   (303) 646-0702
"Restoring Incarcerated Teens for Nearly Three Decades"
I wish there was some way to bottle or film the thousands of teens over the last three decades and give it to those that have supported this mission over the years. Being in the trenches has given me an enormous appreciation for those faithful that have given so graciously over the years. I love Tim Tebow but I wonder how many of us can name the lineman he stands behind. I am sure God has a way in eternity of acknowledging those that support what we could not do alone.

We hope that you will be inspired to help us with the battle for the incarcerated teens here in Colorado. These kids are not criminals, they are orphans with backgrounds that have devastated their lives. Help us stop the moral and spiritual genocide that is happening to our lost and hurting teens that are trapped in the system.

How To Donate
We are hoping soon to have this spot active for donating here on the internet. Until then, if you are interested in donating, please contact us with the information below.   May God bless you!

On any given day, more than 100,000 teens are incarcerated in  the United States.
In addition to the 100,000 in juvenile correctional facilities, on a typical day in 2004 about 7,000 persons younger than 18 were inmates in adult jails.
The Department of Justice projects that the juvenile prison population will be 36 percent higher in 2020 than it was in 2000.
The US has a higher juvenile crime rate than any other industrialized nation in the world.
The inmate population racial breakdown is 38% Black, 19% Hispanic, and 39% White (the remaining few percent are primarily Native American and Asian). Between now and 2020, the Hispanic population in custody is predicted to grow at a much faster rate than the other groups.
85% of teens in custody are male.
303 646-0702
P.O.BOX 4475
PARKER, CO. 80134